

I was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany. 

Since I was a child I loved music, sports and dance and I was active in the Gymnastic Club of my city. I was taught, initially, classical ballet and later modern dance. I came up with the idea to turn my hobby into a profession and completed four years of training to obtain from the state the certification of a gymnastics teacher, at the State Sports School of the Landessportbund (LSB) in Berlin.

At the same time, I came into contact with yoga through the specialization I chose in preventive therapeutic gymnastics. Since then, this has accompanied and shaped me throughout my life.  In my yoga mat I find my own personal space, my oasis of peace and the source of my strength.

Yoga is a guide and anchor in my life. Yoga has changed me and my perception of life. For me, yoga means being aware of the moment and not letting myself be driven by fate. This gives me the strength and calmness I need to feel good.

My second specialty, which I got during my training at the sports school, was in modern and traditional dance. However, I found my favorite activity much later: tango! Since 2002 I have been dancing this special dance, which stands out from all other dances in Latin America, as the most sensual and emotional. I was taught here in Crete, in Germany. At the same time I participated in various ethnic and international Tango festivals in Greece, Italy, France and England and was perfected by Greek, German and mainly Argentine teachers.